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Google's Ben Gomes of the search quality team blogged about Google's search interface.
Ben Gomes talks about "the principles that guide our development of the overall search experience and how they are applied to the key aspects of search." He explains that the goal of Google is to give you the most relevant result in the fastest period of time. Google does this by applying several principles:

  • A small page, which Gomes says "is quick to download and generally faster for your browser to display."
  • Complex algorithms with a simple presentation. Google hides the complexity of search behind a clean interface.
  • Features that work everywhere, as in all languages and all countries.
  • Data driven decisions, which are assisted by experimentation.

One forum member at WebmasterWorld thinks that Google might be using different data centers for query refinements. The reason he suspects this is because he's performing the same search but finding different results

A number of readers have noted Google's open sourcing of their internal data interchange format, called Protocol Buffers (here's the code and the doc). Google elevator statement for Protocol Buffers is "a language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible way of serializing structured data for use in communications protocols, data storage, and more." It's the way data is formatted to move around inside of Google.

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via gistweb | seroundtable

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