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Google recently brought its Suggest feature out of Labs and onto the main .com search page.

Google Suggest has not yet been introduced on, but it's likely that it will be if the feature works in the US, and it could have a few implications for search marketers.

Unlike the search suggestions you get when typing terms into your Google Toolbar, Suggest will give you options for keywords and phrases based on the overall popularity of these terms, not your own browsing habits.


SEO beginner courses (search engine optimization for beginners) are for people with generally no knowledge of SEO or search engines. The beginner training modules cover an in-depth introduction to search engines and directories, their relevance, their differences and how they work in direct relation to your website.

SEO is a short for Search Engine Optimization, a process to optimize your web site to obtain better search engine positioning on the world's most popular search engines and directories for target keywords and phrases. Higher the ranking of your web site, greater the chances that the site will be visited by users. to 90 percent of visitor traffic is delivered to web sites through search engines. Ultimately generating potential leads from global visitors.

It is not as easy to rank a website higher on search engines as it used to be in the early days of internet. Websites are launched in millions each day making it equally difficult for the users to find the best. Hence the search engines list web pages based on various algorithms. There are many algorithms and ideas driving search engines, but at the end of the day, the goal of all algorithms is to favour useful content so that the results are relevant, which in turn allow the search engines to gain popularity and generate more money serving ads. 4

SEO training can be one of the best business investments you make. It is common practice for Internet users to not click through pages and pages of search results, so where a site ranks in a search is essential for directing more traffic toward the site. SEO helps to ensure that a site is accessible to a search engine and improves the chances that the site will be found by the search engine.



For online marketing efforts, search engine optimization is key. Here?s something to try: go to a couple different search engines and type in search terms that people would use to find the products or services that your business offers. Does your company show up in the top 10 or 20 results? Do your primary competitors?

The role of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) experts is to guide web-based businesses on choosing proper keywords to boost traffic and ultimately sales. Basic SEO errors can harm the ranking of your website, constructed with great care and thought.

For background, Search Engine Optimization relies on site context and content to determine site rankings. This happens with a combination of efforts including page content and meta tag optimization, paid submissions to important directories and engines and hand submission to free-listing search engines.

While extensive SEO and Viral marketing experience are not required, understanding of the social networking side of the web is a must that requires a set of technical skills

SEO companies see search engine optimization as the primary marketing channel for a site. Often SEO consultants destroy human centric copy and design for the sake of machine friendly pages.

Video optimization is becoming increasingly important, as videos seem to be doing especially well in universal search and are very attractive to site owners as targets of links. Video content can have a viral effect as well, by providing code for the insertion of your videos on third party sites, your video content can be easily dropped into any third party site, pre-configured with links back to your site!

Pay Per Click allows your site to be listed on the top of the search engines instantly. This is achieved by paying the search engines for every visitor that they send to your website. Each search engine employs a unique bidding system, which determines which sites are listed first in the paid listing sections of search results.

Setting realistic expectations is key. Popular Web sites and link bait phenomena such as Elf Yourself, FlashMobs, the Star Wars Kid, and JibJab are the exceptions, and definitely not the rule. These wildly successful viral campaigns should be regarded more as “lottery winners,” and less as campaigns setting the bar you plan to surpass with your own strategic marketing initiative. Most campaigns, especially commercial viral marketing campaigns, don't make it past the first wave of exposure, much less the second or third wave.

Anyone who has an online business may be quick to jump into several SEO techniques, thinking that these will be a quick opportunity for internet success. If you think however that SEO can be accomplished in a jiffy, you're bound to be disappointed. There are important factors you must know about search engine optimization. This includes the things to avoid, the things needed to generate a higher page rank, and finally the elements present in most excellent SEO services.

Search engine traffic is highly targeted. That's because potential buyers who find your B2B offerings through search engines are looking for your products and services on their own, so they are predisposed to hear your marketing message. You can't find a more qualified prospect than that.

Ad Advertisements a searcher sees after submitting a query in a search engine or web site search box. In PPC, these ads are usually text format, with a Title, Description and Display URL. In some cases, a keyword the searcher used in his or her query appears boldfaced in the displayed ad.

Search marketing is a non-intrusive marketing tool. Most advertising, both online and offline, interrupts consumer behavior. If a user goes to a web site for info, up pops an intrusive ad. Ads dominate and force articles to be continued on another page. With search engine marketing, the user is actively seeking your products, services, and information. They are delighted to be driven to your site.

Yet in this hazy cloud of uncertainty, two items in the online budget are clearly NOT being tightened: SEO and Viral Marketing. Rather, more and more companies are allocating greater and greater percentages of the online buy to these two increasingly accepted members of the media mix.

Google presents a prototype of a large-scale search engine which makes heavy use of the structure present in hypertext. Google is designed to crawl and index the Web efficiently and produce much more satisfying search results than existing systems. To engineer a search engine is a challenging task. Search engines index tens to hundreds of millions of web pages involving a comparable number of distinct terms. Apart from the problems of scaling traditional search techniques to data of this magnitude, there are new technical challenges involved with using the additional information present in hypertext to produce better search results.

To engineer a search engine is a challenging task. Search engines index tens to hundreds of millions of web pages involving a comparable number of distinct terms. They answer tens of millions of queries every day. Despite the importance of large-scale search engines on the web, very little academic research has been done on them. Furthermore, due to rapid advance in technology and web proliferation, creating a web search engine today is very different from three years ago.

Apart from the problems of scaling traditional search techniques to data of this magnitude, there are new technical challenges involved with using the additional information present in hypertext to produce better search results. This paper addresses this question of how to build a practical large-scale system which can exploit the additional information present in hypertext.

Google is designed to crawl and index the Web efficiently and produce much more satisfying search results than existing systems. The prototype with a full text and hyperlink database of at least 24 million pages is available at

Creating a search engine which scales even to today's web presents many challenges. Fast crawling technology is needed to gather the web documents and keep them up to date. Storage space must be used efficiently to store indices and, optionally, the documents themselves. The indexing system must process hundreds of gigabytes of data efficiently. Queries must be handled quickly, at a rate of hundreds to thousands per second.

Apart from the problems of scaling traditional search techniques to data of this magnitude, there are new technical challenges involved with using the additional information present in hypertext, all producing better search results. This paper addresses this question of how to build a practical large-scale system which can exploit the additional information present in hypertext.

The web creates new challenges for information retrieval. The amount of information on the web is growing rapidly, as well as the number of new users inexperienced in the art of web research. People are likely to surf the web using its link graph, often starting with high quality human maintained indices such as Yahoo! Human maintained lists cover popular topics effectively but are subjective, expensive to build and maintain, slow to improve, and cannot cover all esoteric topics. Automated search engines that rely on keyword matching usually return too many low quality matches.

Aside from tremendous growth, the Web has also become increasingly commercial over time. This number grew to over 60% in 1997. At the same time, search engines have migrated from the academic domain to the commercial. Up until now most search engine development has gone on at companies with little publication of technical details. This causes search engine technology to remain largely a black art and to be advertising oriented

The Eyes - The eyes of the search engine are the spiders (AKA robots or crawlers). These are the 1s and 0s that the search engines send out over the Internet to retrieve documents. In the case of all the major search engines the spiders crawl from one page to another following the links, as you would look down various paths along your way.

When a user searches AllTheWeb or Lycos, FAST performs some analysis on the query itself. It checks for language settings and looks for linguistic cues, to match results to the language of the searcher. Additional phrasing processes recognize multiword terms, so it can search for San Francisco and New York as phrases rather than unrelated words.

The Google search engine has two important features that help it produce high precision results. First, it makes use of the link structure of the Web to calculate a quality ranking for each web page. This ranking is called PageRank

The citation (link) graph of the web is an important resource that has largely gone unused in existing web search engines. These maps allow rapid calculation of a web page's "PageRank", an objective measure of its citation importance that corresponds well with people's subjective idea of importance. Because of this correspondence, PageRank is an excellent way to prioritize the results of web keyword searches. For most popular subjects, a simple text matching search that is restricted to web page titles performs admirably when PageRank prioritizes the results (demo available at For the type of full text searches in the main Google system, PageRank also helps a great deal.

The indexer extracts all the information from each and every document and stores it in a database. All high-quality search engines index each and every word in the documents and give a unique word Id. Then the word occurrences, which some search engines call ?hits,?

The citation (link) graph of the web is an important resource that has largely gone unused in existing web search engines. These maps allow rapid calculation of a web page's "PageRank", an objective measure of its citation importance that corresponds well with people's subjective idea of importance. Because of this correspondence, PageRank is an excellent way to prioritize the results of web keyword searches. For most popular subjects, a simple text matching search that is restricted to web page titles performs admirably when PageRank prioritizes the results (demo available here). For the type of full text searches in the main Google system, PageRank also helps a great deal.

The system design is scalable and highly parallel, distributed search, so each query goes across multiple machines. They choose cost-effective, mid-quality commodity PCs running Linux. Of the 10,000 machines, several fail every day, because they run so much more than normal desktops, so they have designed in search redundancy, assuming some of the machines may fail at any time.

via gistweb

Link Building is considered by many people to be one of the most useful and effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) technique to achieve high ranking on the search engines. Actually, if you have not done or started doing any link building yet, you should seriously consider doing some now or at least contact an SEO company that would do the link building for you.

One of the most important ingredients in a good SEO link building campaign is link building. It can also be one of the toughest. Search engines can be a little tough on unethical link building strategies and if you add the growing use of ‘nofollow’ attributes to links, gaining quality links takes a lot of work. This list itemizes most of the link building opportunities available.

10: Link Farm: Link farms are outdated and generally result in search engine penalties. No longer worth thinking about.

09: Paid Reviews: There is an old saying in the IT world - GIGO - garbage in garbage out. Generally speaking paid reviews are poorly written articles on non-relevant sites. If you can get a good review on highly ranked relevant site then you may get value for your money - otherwise treat with caution.

08: Text Link Ads: There can be value in obtaining text link ads but these are generally from low ranking sites. As with the paid reviews, obtaining text link ads on high ranking related sites may be of value.

07: Link Solicitation: Obtaining links from related sites by solicitation can be difficult. You need to be able to prove to the site owner that there is a mutual benefit. The higher the site ranks the harder it can become. However this can provide a good cross section of related sites.

06: Hand Edited Directories: DMOZ and Yahoo are two of the major directories. DMOZ can take up to 12 months to get listed. Yahoo!, whilst a paid listing, remains reasonably good value. Directory links seem to have been reduced in value recently.

05: Article Directories: Article directories are hit and miss. You can spend hours putting together a series of articles only to find that most of them get scraped without any links back to your site. When the article is used legitimately you have no control as to the sites relevance or reliability.

04: Social Bookmarking: Having your site listed and voted on in some of the social bookmarking sites can provide some benefits to your link building campaign. Many social bookmarking sites incorporate ‘nofollow’ so don’t rely on them for masses of links. The traffic generated by lead to an increase in organic links.

03: Press Releases: Press releases can provide a quick lift in rankings. If the press release is well written and provides a little spark then you may find an increase in traffic along with an increase in organic links.

02: Edu and Gov sites: Obtaining links from these sites can be hard. The more important the link location the higher value. For example, a link in and Edu report or research paper is highly prized.

01: Blended Link Building: Blended link building incorporates a variety of strategies. The aim is to obtain links from a variety of sources, each with varying ranking factors but all from relevant web pages where possible.

Blended link building can be slow and tedious but it does produce great long term website rankings in the major search engines.

Links are vital for search engine rankings and can dramatically increase traffic to your website. Since the most popular search engines like Google and Yahoo use link popularity as one of the crucial factors in determining the importance or relevance of your website, increasing your link popularity score can help boost your website’s position – or ranking – in the search engine results pages

Writing by Nick Stamoulis by Search Engine Optimization Journal

There are many internet marketing online affiliate programs online today. Some will offer you nothing but your link, others will offer you everything but are no where to be seen once it's pay day

An affiliate program is probably the best option you have to earn cash through the internet. Although there are various options to conducting business and generating income in the World Wide Web, the fact remains that advertising and affiliate programs are the internet entrepreneur's main source of income. Sometimes, a partnering program is all that stands between a person and defeat. Because of this, choosing the right programs can be quite crucial

This affiliate program is more than just earning extra cash from your website. The Guitar Tips Online content is great and subscribers will never feel their money was misspent. It shows in his work and that makes this different from other affiliate programs. Not only will you be helping out other guitarists, you will begin to make some real money from your site. Thanks for the opportunity to participate

If you get upset about not becoming successful with a specific affiliate program, do not blame the program--blame yourself. Do a thorough analysis of what you could be doing better and how you could be making quantitative progress every single day. There are people who do not pay any money at all for promotional services and yet are still able to make a living just from using free tools on the Internet. If they can do it, there is no reason at all why you cannot. Joining a marketing group or forum in your field will help you realize this reality. Seeing and talking to people who are succeeding in your field will remind you that it is entirely possible to make money online without having a million dollars to begin with.

Generally, affiliate programs operate on the 80/20 rule, or worse. So you've got to take care of that 2 percent by any means necessary. There are lots of alternatives for them out there, so make your affiliate program more attractive to them. Don't be afraid to budget for a holiday gift for them

This way you will have a great website that will drive tons of new visitors – from search engines, other websites to read your content. When you have such website, all you have to do is just to place your affiliate program links in some places of your content and people will click on them. This way you can easily earn money. All you have to do is just to find the affiliate programs that suit your website’s content. You can easily find such programs on networks like Click2Sell.EU ( and place affiliate links on your websites, so your website visitors would buy from you. If you want to make money online, you need to put some work. The more work you put into promoting your affiliate links, more money you will earn online.

via gistweb

Other good affiliate program directories

5 Star Affiliate Programs
A good source for honest, high commission affiliate programs, top affiliate marketing tool, tips, software and Affiliate Manager resources.

Affiliate Base
A tidy, searchable directory with a newsletter.

A good directory with articles and resources including a large selection of templates. Has a submission service for merchants, submitting their programs to the top 50 directories.
Moderate sized directory, includes good resources for both affiliates and managers.

Affiliate Helper
Provides reviews of affiliate marketing tools, has a forum and a directory function, but it does not appear to have any programs listed at this time.

A large directory of affiliate programs, with good descriptions.
A tidy, easy to navigate directory with a search feature.
A large directory, with advanced search functions.
A large, searchable directory, with articles and a forum.
A directory of affiliate programs with resources, articles and a newsletter.

I could only find 31 programs listed. You might be able to find more.

Affiliate Trade Links Network
A large directory with some areas currently under construction
A large affiliate program directory, also listing associate software, promotion, and more.

BestCommissions - Lifetime & Residual affiliate programs.
A small directory listing affiliate programs paying lifetime commissions or residual commissions.

A guide how to make money online with affiliate programs, with a lot of great articles, and a list of top affiliate programs.

Specializing in pay-per-click programs, but lists regular programs too. Good reviews of affiliate programs.
A useful, well designed directory of pay-per-click, per-lead, and per-sale affiliate programs.
A large-ish directory, with many categories.
Affiliate programs directory with extensive listings and reviews.
A large directory, listing affiliate programs, income opportunities, free stuff, webmaster resources, and more.

Lists affiliate programs, business opportunities, work at home, Internet tools, and more.
A German directory of affiliate programs, listed alphabetically.

A searchable directory of the Internet's best UK affiliate, referral and associate programs.
A well designed directory of affiliate programs, with a special section for Australian ones. Has a free newsletter, and good web tools and resources.
A moderate sized directory, with lots of categories, top 100, and useful links and affiliate marketing resources.
Compact, and very easy to use, this well-designed site is good one to check out.
A large, popular site, with lots of very good articles, news, and thoroughly useful newsletter. Recommended.
Large, with a Top Ten, newsletter, and good info on each program.
Large, with many categories, including affiliate programs, software, free stuff, marketing tools and more.
Your Guide to Professional Web Site Design & Development. Display complete syndicated articles and photographs on your web site that automatically update each week. Join "The Syndicator" free.

via lifetimecommissions

Internet is a resource to achieve a pull in and push through advertising responses. The advertisers look for tailor-made response from the medium they are using. The responses are inevitable to build good brands. So, in order to achieve business growth through branding, there has to be an Internet advertising agency working in close coordination.

Your banner is just so much more pleasing to the eye as well. It looks like first generation web design. You need to change the face of cheap web advertising!

Banner advertising success starts by identifying websites that will provide access to your target audience. One of the biggest errors in banner ad marketing is placing your banner ad on a website that is irrelevant to your website. During the formative years of the Internet many advertisers flocked to the latest technology to provide banners that blink, flash and rotate in an attempt to attract attention, but many were left with poor click through rates and ROI do to incorrect banner ad placement

Banner advertising is currently the most popular form of advertising on the web. Advanced Development Solutions can provide appealing and effective banners and graphics to bring more visitors to your site. ADS can also offer a number of banner advertising options to meet your needs.

The success of banner advertising is entirely dependent on the click-through rate and it is directly proportional to it. A little mathematics, a little bit analysis and a rational scheming can lead to great accomplishments in the world of banner advertising.

The visual aspect is certainly one of the most important factors. "A good banner must contain an attention-getting element, a call to action and a reason to click through.It believes that the textual portion of the banner is its most vital element. "The design should be nice looking and small. And the text must have content. Content that ignites clicks."

The strategists at the banner advertising agency ensure that the ads find relevant users. It is done through targeted publishing of banner ads and delivering them to target audience by techniques. Lot of efforts go into making the ads attractive, appealing, engaging and exciting. The amplified effect thus becomes useful in branding.

The online banner advertising services are effective because of the ability to reach a large number of target audience.

via gistweb

Today Live Search has been updated with a new Home Page which shows a background image. This was on trial since last month and many were already getting this. These interactive areas highlight parts of the image and help you explore search results related to the highlighted area. If you have missed to notice these hotspots while loading, just move your mouse cursor over the image to discover them. Its indeed a nice place to start a search as it keeps you engaging

The home page contains a background image, which contains "hotspots," used to show off some of the search queries available at Live Search. The home page background images are suppose to change over time and thus generate different query "hotspots," for the end users to play with

The background homepage image is set to change regularly, and with it, the hotspots that click through to interesting search results. When the page first loads, hotspots "gleam" to the user, and then fade back into the image. A user can check them out by finding them with his or her mouse cursor. Nevertheless, it is an innovative way to get users interested in Live Search. This is only the beginning of new features though, according to the Live Search team, which plans to keep on tweaking the homepage.

Microsoft has launched a new concept for Live Search. Now, when you visit the search engine, you'll see a background image with "hotspots." Hotspots are small boxes that highlight a portion of the image.

Google now gives searchers more notification of behind-the-scenes ways it customizes results. Live Search's home page gets "hotspots" -- will these generate more searches? Search engine relevancy and more.

via gistweb

Yahoo has made some changes to its algorithm and ranking factors. Yahoo calls its index update a weather update and Yahoo Weather updates are posted in the their Official blog by some Search Engineer

Search turbulence all over the map While Yahoo!'s index update may not have been universally well-received - it happens - MSN's seems to have produced a weird, temporary bug. SE Roundtable noticed yesterday a Digital Point thread pointing out that the top five search listings on the first two pages of MSN results were identical. One of MSN's forum reps, "MSNdude,” popped in today to confirm an index update. No pain, no gain, right?

The Yahoo Search Blog announced the August 2008 weather report today. Sharad Verma of Yahoo Search said, "We'll be rolling out some changes to our crawling, indexing and ranking algorithms over the next few days. As you know, throughout this process you may see some ranking changes and page shuffling in the index, but expect the update will be completed soon."

We'll be rolling out some changes to our crawling, indexing and ranking algorithms over the next few days. As you know, throughout this process you may see some ranking changes and page shuffling in the index, but expect the update will be completed soon.

Google's keyword tool bugs out. Yahoo is as relevant as Google? SEOs split on buying no followed links. AdWords will be down on the 9th. Do you do client meetings? Yahoo and Google show off Olympic searches. Google launches music search in China

via searchengineland | Yahoo Search Blog

Google's Ben Gomes of the search quality team blogged about Google's search interface.
Ben Gomes talks about "the principles that guide our development of the overall search experience and how they are applied to the key aspects of search." He explains that the goal of Google is to give you the most relevant result in the fastest period of time. Google does this by applying several principles:

  • A small page, which Gomes says "is quick to download and generally faster for your browser to display."
  • Complex algorithms with a simple presentation. Google hides the complexity of search behind a clean interface.
  • Features that work everywhere, as in all languages and all countries.
  • Data driven decisions, which are assisted by experimentation.

One forum member at WebmasterWorld thinks that Google might be using different data centers for query refinements. The reason he suspects this is because he's performing the same search but finding different results

A number of readers have noted Google's open sourcing of their internal data interchange format, called Protocol Buffers (here's the code and the doc). Google elevator statement for Protocol Buffers is "a language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible way of serializing structured data for use in communications protocols, data storage, and more." It's the way data is formatted to move around inside of Google.

Google's too many redirects issue. Google Maps adds features. Cre8asite celebrates 6 years. Yahoo released first monkey into the wild. Yahoo Maps adds features. Yahoo Shortcuts gets nasty. Live Search promoting with cash back again.

Google processes many links per day, many. Google tests related searches inline with search results. Yahoo adds search marketing features. Google Maps updates features and fixes the local business center. Webmaster tools has a 404 error reporting issue. Google Analytics has several bugs. Yahoo still needs to fix publisher reports.

via gistweb | seroundtable

Viewing the page using a mirror makes it somewhat easier to read, and would allow someone to find a website. Web site "mirroring" normally involves copying the contents of a site and hosting on a different server. This can be useful if one server is particularly busy.

With the new approach, Google reasons readers won't have to pore through search results listing the same story posted on different sites. That should in turn make it easier to discover other news stories at other Web sites that might previously have been buried, said Josh Cohen, the business product manager for Google News.

Google News was created as a tool that clusters related stories so you can read different perspectives on the same event. Unlike Yahoo News, Google News doesn't have editors: the homepage and all the other sections are generated algorithmically. Until this month, the site didn't host original content, so you could only find headlines, snippets and thumbnails from articles. To read the entire article, you had to go to a different site. Google was sued by many news organizations, including AFP, for copyright infringement and some of them won.

Google (NSDQ: GOOG) has taken the next step in the evolution of its Google News product: it has begun hosting material produced by The Associated Press, Agence France-Presse, The Press Association in UK and The Canadian Press. An AP example is here. It will still be linking to those stories on numerous newspaper/broadcast websites and other online sources that syndicate stories from these agencies, but could potentially diminish traffic these sites as users stay on Google News' pages and possibly even affect their online ad revenues, if you want to stretch the logic.

Although Google already had bought the right to display content produced by all four services affected by the change, the search engine's news section had continued to link to the sites of other Web publishers to read the stories and look at the photographs. For example, a Google News user who clicked on an AP story about the latest developments in Iraq would be steered to one of the hundreds of Web sites that also have the right to post the same article.

via gistweb

Google Knol is a free online collaborative knowledge database or an experts' wiki but not an encyclopedia. Knol is not a direct competitor of Wikipedia, at least not in its current version. Wikipedia is anonymous -- there is no single editor in charge. In contrast, Knol includes the author name in the URL of the article. Google expects multiple knols on one subject rather than the current Wikipedia model of one article on a subject. The term "knol" ("unit of knowledge") refers to both the project and an article in the project.

More specifically, Google says Knols are authoritative articles about specific topics, written by people who know about those subjects. The company first announced Knol late last year, and instead of populating its databases with articles from everyone, Google kept Knol an invitation-only party -- until now.

Right now, a lot of the existing Knols – Google defines a knol as a "unit of knowledge”, and perhaps this will be how people name articles hosted on Knol too – deal with subjects of a more serious or scientific nature, like health. Google's help page says you can write "(Almost) anything you like,” adding that you pick the subject "and write it the way you see fit” as they don't edit knols nor do they "try to enforce any particular viewpoint” subject to the terms of service and their content policy, which disallows e.g[.] images containing nudity, and "spam,” a rather broad term in this case.

Google's Knol is an attempt to harness the vast forests of knowledge trapped inside people's heads and make it more widely available via the Web. Rather than the often anonymous group effort that makes up a Wikipedia article entry, Knol seeks to pull out that knowledge primarily from one specific head.

Moves by Google into mobile phones with Android and the bid for mobile spectrum in the United States should be welcomed, because they bring new competition into a traditional market; likewise Google's attempts to break into radio and TV advertising. Knol on the other hand brings the power of Google into a marketplace that is already rich with competition, and a marketplace where Google can use its might to crush that competition by favoring pages from Knol over others, on what is the worlds most popular search engine.

Google are also looking to have Knol references put in Wikipedia. If that happens, which is likely if the quality of Knols is high, then it will migrate people away from Wikipedia and towards Knol use. If the information is more reliable then this can't be viewed as a bad migration.

Looks like a fantasy scenario, but it is not that much of a stretch. Danny Sullivan from Search Engine Land has been conduction some tests with Knol pages, and the results are surprising. of all the Knol pages that he created for test pages were ranking on the first page of Google's results after one day.

On the more consumer side, Google could use the atomized bits of knowledge (knols) created by authors to fuel a more semantically rich Web of connections. With tags, ratings, comments and other rich metadata and Semantic Web technologies, or even just the statistical approach Google prefers, knols could provide a framework for more complex and even natural language queries

Some new publishers decide to license their work via Creative Commons (hoping to be paid back based on the links economy), but Google wants no part in that! All outbound links on Knol are nofollow, so even if a person wants to give you credit for your work Google makes it impossible to do so.

While Wikipedia and Knol share some attributes, Google is a business, so where's the money? Authors can -- at their discretion -- sign up with Google's AdSense program, let Google serve up advertisements next to their Knols, and possibly earn some revenue for sharing their knowledge.

This is not to say that all of Knol will be spam. Indeed, it's likely that the prominence of having content within a Google-hosted service may attract some outstanding authors. Manber certainly expect this, saying that he hopes content is created that will be so good that Google itself will rank it tops in searches.

via gistweb

Cuil, the start-up founded by Tom Costello and two former Google employees: Anna Patterson and Russell Power, unveiled a search engine that claims to have more than 120 billion pages in the index. According to Cuil, that's "three times as many as Google and ten times as many as Microsoft."

Cuil, pronounced, is an old Irish word for knowledge and is the brainstorm of husband and wife team, Tom Costello and Anna Patterson. The duo have an impressive combination of experience in Internet search. CEO Costello has a extensive background in developing and researching search engines at Stanford University and IBM search. Patterson is a former Google employee and acting President and COO. The Cuil co-founders added the expertise of Russell Power, a former colleague of Patterson?s from Google.

It needs to be mentioned that Anna Patterson was a former employee of Google and that the last search engine created by Anna impressed Google so much that the industry leader decide to buy the technology in the year 2004. The Cuil founders have stated that around 120 billion web pages have been used to build up the index of Cuil and they are of the opinion that the figure is far bigger than Google or Microsoft.

A quick hands-on with Cuil showed that the best thing about the new search engine so far is its interface and design. Searching isn't quiet as effective yet as Google on most subjects, but it's still decent if you're searching for the most popular items on that particular topic.

"Cuil's goal is to solve the two great problems of search: how to index the whole Internet - not just part of it - and how to analyze and sort out its pages so you get relevant results." Cuil thinks that today's search engines can't index all the information that is available on the web (more than one trillion pages, according to Google). Even Google admits that it's selective: "many [web pages] are similar to each other, or represent auto-generated content that isn't very useful to searchers".

Cuil isn't the first Google rival to launch this year. Wikia Search, a highly anticipated search engine from Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, made its official debut in January . Wikia Search hopes to provide better search results by allowing a community of users to index pages by using their Web page rankings and other suggestions, as well as its own indexing of the Web

resources: gistweb

Many search marketers know their search engine alphabet, A for; G for Google; M for Microsoft and Y for Yahoo. But how many know the important letters of the social media alphabet, D for Digg; N for Netscape; R for Reddit and S for StumbleUpon?

What happens when you type a single letter -- whether accidentally or intentionally -- into Google? The Google alphabet shows the first result you get (in English) for each letter.

S- earch engine friendly
A web page designed and optimized for high search engine rankings. Such pages are rich in keywords and structured for ease of crawling.

E - MR
A search result that precisely matches a user's search term.

A - algorithm
The proprietary formula (mathematical equation) that a search engine uses to calculate the relevance

R- Relevancy
The extent to which the searchers who find your page(s) are interested in what you're marketing. As with all marketing, the better the targeting, the greater the probability of positive conversion.

C-rawl Page
A document consisting of links to other pages, provided for the sole purpose of giving crawlers (robots) links to follow. Spammers used to submit these puppies to the search engines en masse.
H-its This generally means all requests from a webserver including requests by a web browser for html pages, jpeg's, gif's and other images. Hits is a phrase often thrown around but is generally not very meaningful in quantitfying search engine traffic.

E-xternal Link
Link which references another domain.Some people believe in link hoarding, but linking out to other related resources is a good way to help search engines understand what your site is about.

N- atural Listings
Web page listings that appear in a search engine's results, based on the engine's own algorithm.
The website/web page owner has not paid for these positions in the results. However, search engine results often include a mix of paid (paid inclusion) and unpaid listings. As long as a listing has achieved its position naturally (not paid for), it is a "natural" or "organic" listing.

A search engine that enables users to search the Web, Usenet, and images. Features include PageRank, caching and translation of results, and an option to find similar pages.

A search site's database, consisting of all the site content it has recorded. A directory's index typically consists only of titles and descriptions, while a search engine's database may include excerpts of page copy and cached pages.

A topic or subject which a website is focused on. Search is a broad field, but as you drill down each niche consists of many smaller niches. An example of drilling down to a niche market

E-thical SEO
Search engines like to paint SEO services which manipulate their relevancy algorithms as being unethical. Any particular technique is generally not typically associated with ethics, but is either effective or ineffective.

resources: seo-dictionary, seobook


Commandment 1: There are No Rank Guarantees.

Search Engines alone control their indexing and ranking algorithm. Do not try to trick Search Engines. The only way to improve your search engine rank is by obeying by the rules. And the rule is very simple: make it logical and structural. Web content is primarily for the site visitor and not crawlers.

If your Search Engine Specialist sold you magic "Top rank on Google in 10 days ". Forget it. There are no short cuts. Top ranking in Search Engine Natural Results will take time and hard work is needed especially in developing the content on your website and the links to your site which is called as link building.

Commandment 2: Keyword Ranking is Not the End, It’s the Means.

Ask yourself what will a top search engine rank get you? Most businesses are interested in increasing sales on a website or at the least driving qualified traffic. keyword ranking for the right keywords (keywords used by your target audience) is important. There are seo specialist who will try to show case results for keywords that occur only on your website. Be aware of it.

Commandment 3: Know Your Competition.

"Keyword Rank" or "Serp" is a keyword placement, keyword position and more so in the Search Engines’ natural results. How well you do in the search engine results is a function of how much hard work you have done in relation to your competition. Analyze your competition’s keywords, links, keyword density and spread, but be sure not to copy your competition. Be competitive

Commandment 4: Use Search Engine Friendly Design.

A search and visitor friendly design is needed for any successful website. Your website should be compelling enough for repeat visits by search engines and potential customers. Make sure you have search engine friendly URLs and avoid those long URLs with query strings or what we called dynamic URLs. It is better if we use keywords in your URL or domain. It is the number one factor to rank in the search engine.

Commandment 5: Select Keywords that are Worthy.

You must research your keywords before targeting. Use tools that give you a good idea of a keyword’s search potential like wordtracker, adword, keywordiscovery. It is important to know the number of searches for a keyword in the last month and per dy. You should also find out the number of web pages that are targeting the keyword. It is advisable to start a campaign with keywords with moderate competition and a high number of searches.

Commandment 6: Write Great Content.- Content Writing

Even if your website site is perfect for search engine robots, it won’t do you any good unless you also fill it with great content. Great means it has contextual and editorial value. Great content brings repeat visits and increases the chance of conversion. Great content is factual and appeals to your target audience. Your web page should have your desired action embedded in the content and you must ensure that the content is fresh. Keep adding and editing content regularly.

Commandment 7: Use Good Linking Building Strategy.

Hyperlinks make your content accessible and contextual. You must hyperlink in the right context within the website and to other websites. Good links are appreciated by the Search Engines and by visitors.

Commandment 8: Write Relevant and Original Meta Content.

Meta content or meta tag is like a business card. Just as your business card tells who you are and what you do, Meta content tells the search engines the relevance and context of a web page. The idea is to include only what is relevant to the page in the Meta Content but to include everything that is relevant.

Commandment 9: Acquire Relevant Links.

The links you acquire are the roads to your web page for search engine bots and visitors. Good links improve your webpage’s equity on the World Wide Web and bad links make a dent in your equity and credibility. Be selective in reciprocal linking. Both reciprocal and one way links work, if you are prudent in selecting the links. Submit your website to the relevant sections in relevant directories.

Commandment 10: Consult Experts, If You Need To.

If you have the competence, there are two ways to learn - learning from your mistakes and learning from others’ experience. You can choose either. If you have the time and can wait for the online dollars, do it yourself. If you want to get started now, it may be useful to consult the experts.

About The Author
Resources: seoreview
The author is Rank Uno, an expert in Search Marketing with over 10 years Onlëne Marketing experience. He heads, the specialist in online marketíng and Search Engine

Search engines are so sophisticated now that they can distinguish between "content-rich" sites and "content-poor" sites. They will definitely favor sites whose content directly relates to the key words and phrases that people use to search for information about your industry. "Search-engine friendly" content is a critically important component for your ultimate success on-line. Don't expect your site to become highly ranked on the charts without it.

In today's marketplace influential website content writing is a must! To attract your target audience and for the best search engine results, the right words, phrases and expressions must be incorporated into your web copy writing. Because visitors are searching the web using specific words and phrases and if you haven't chosen correctly, your visitors won't t find you. If they can't find you, they can't buy your products or services. All Your Writing Needs Website Content Writing strategist knows how to develop extraordinary website content writing that gets you noticed.

'Web content' in general means the essence of your web site. Pertaining to everything from titles, descriptions, headings, and most notably information. Web content is explored by search engines in a very precise way. Web content writing quite simply, helps establish which websites will emerge at the top of the list when one enters search terms into a search engine (Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc.). In page ranking some websites rank higher than others. Search engines reward websites that are educational and informative, and employ relevant terms with a reasonable frequency throughout their web content.

Content is one of major factors of Search Engine marketing. For better ranking you need current website content that's convincing, and optimized for the search engines. The primary goal of web content writing is to serve your content with a natural balance of keyword phrases. Pages should be written so that web content is optimized for higher search rankings without awkwardly phrasing sentences and upsetting your visitors! This is one of the common weaknesses of most optimized Web Site content.

Web content writing is not just a job of giving message to inform the visitors; rather it is the arts and science of driving potential visitors to the website. It is the skill of achieving high goal in online sales and increasing the business of the website. A web content writer has to know the importance of credibility. Reliable web content writing services can push a website ahead in internet business.

Writing an article or for a web page may not actually be a difficult job. Yet, effective presentation makes all the difference. A well presented article receives wide acclaim. So web content writing is indeed an art. It is providing of information in a special way, which is both unique and interesting.

The significance of Content on a website can never be destabilized .No matter what the scope of a project may be, Web Content Writing Services are both affordable and professional. Web content, quite simply, helps determines which web sites will appear at the top of the list when one enters key terms into a Search Engine. This way one can positively taste Success.

The importance of the content is judged the way in which it drives the people to your site. Your site's Meta tags and content must be balanced. The crawler of a search engine goes through the Meta tags and collects the necessary information. The way of writing content should be relevant to the demand. It will attract a number of people to your site and continue triggering the visitors to your web page. A good web site includes quality of content and quality of blogs and meta tags.

Copy and Content Writing are key contributors to your own search engine optimization, and web promotion success! The more content you have on your site that is unique to your website, the more search engines like Google, Yahoo!

Instead of writing just sales oriented web content, or writing web content that is purely based on search engine optimization, it has become important for SEO firms and internet copywriting companies to write web content that is a blend of both catchy words and search engine optimization.

resources: gistweb


Does the Amount of Content Matter for SEO?

Everyone emphasizes that content is king. But does the amount of content make a difference?
The number of pages is insignificant. Content still is king, but the amount is up for discussion.

When it comes to content, quantity is not the concern. Instead quality is of utmost importance. As forum member Torka puts it, the most valuable sites to search engines (and users, of course) are those that offer useful and original content, provide a useful service, and sell products that people want or need.

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A Press Release is NOT a PR Campaign

There’s a pretty common misconception (especially on the Web where press releases are booming) that one press release alone is supposed to bring massive exposure, traffic, and links. Well sorry folks. In the vast majority of cases, that’s just not how it works! There is a big difference between an press release and a PR campaign, especially online. When asked about how effective a press release really really is, I hear thee following kinds of things a lot, generally from people who issued their first press release without the results they were hoping for…

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More Usability and SEO AU NATURAL
More and more SEOs are becoming usability experts. Here's why.

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No, The Toolbar Does Not Lead Google To Index My Content

Matt Cutts of Google has posted another one of his debunking theories post, this time on the Google Toolbar aiding Google in indexing content. Matt said, "if Ken Simpson is implying that the Google Toolbar led to these urls being crawled, then he’s mistaken." Ken Simpson was paraphrased in an.

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Google Penalties and Building Trust : Ongoing SEO Task?

Google has been known to issue out all kinds of penalties over the years; even Search Engine Journal was penalized a while back (or our Google Toolbar PageRank was). In addition to Google PageRank penalties, there are all kinds of reasons to get penalized by Google which range from building too many obvious spam links to publishing duplicate content, hoaxes or untrusted material.

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Google Buying Digg for $200 Million?

Rumors are spreading all over the blogosphere that Google and Digg are talking acquisition again as Google will be buying Digg for $200 million and bringing it in under the Google News umbrella, as TechCrunch is reporting (no word if the two parties are holed up in a secret hotel room location outside of MountainView or not).

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Every business wants to be found. Figuring out how to get your business to show up in the rankings when a potential customer uses a search engine is an art form.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is fast becoming a must-have body of knowledge for business owners. Nearly 91 percent of all Internet users resort to a search engine to find information, according to a recent survey by the non-profit Pew Internet and American Life Project. The question is: how easily can they find your business?

Tips in learning about search engine optimization. Search engine optimization (SEO) is fast becoming a must-have body of knowledge for business owners.

About the Author
Anita Campbell is a writer, speaker and radio talk show host who closely follows trends in the small business market at her site, Small Business Trends. [via Technology Inc]

Today, a company needs a website to add validity and credibility! If your company has a website, but the site is not optimized for maximum exposure from the search engines, you could be missing out your potential website traffic. Obviously, achieving High Search Engine Positioning for targeted keyword phrases is a vital part to improving your website conversions and increasing your audience

How does SEO help you? It attracts people’s attention when they are searching for information on search engines. The SEO methodology development is to aimed at generating quality traffic from search engines is called Search Engine Marketing. Getting better ranked in natural results of search engines is called Search Engine Optimization or SEO whereas buying sponsored advertising on search engines is known to the world as pay per click advertising.

In the competitive online world, the idea of launching a website designing and development is not enough unless it is backed with well analyzed online internet marketing plan or SEO designed to meet business aims. Here at this point of time our SEO services come into the picture as believe strongly to take you the targeted market segment that matches your online presence. To make it happen for you the concept of search engine optimization or popularly known as SEO becomes all important. Without sound search engine optimization as per your online business dreams your web design and development never able to weave the results you expected.

Your website design must be a member of your sales team by offering visitors enough information to properly evaluate your capabilities. Most importantly, your website design must be a business development tool that allows your customers and prospects to interact with you

An Internet marketing and SEO strategy can determine the level of success of your website. Internet Marketing company and pay-per-click advertising can substantially increase website traffic.

The site is accessible and will initially offer a customized seo services which are the following:

The Search Engine Optimization Value Plan can be customized to your specific needs throughout the marketing relationship we have together.

Our Bronze SEO Plan Is Customized To Meet Your Specific Needs Immediately.

Outperform your competition with our Customized Silver SEO Plan Offering Long Term Return on Investment.

Our Gold SEO Plan Is Customized To Meet Your Specific Needs Immediately.

Our Platinum S.E.O Plan Is Customized To Meet Your Specific Needs Immediately.

Here at our professional seo and internet marketing services company, we pride ourselves on being a pay per click company that you assured that we will give you the best value for money campaign and performing pay per click campaign.

Go Ahead Sign Up Today and Select The SEO Value Plan that is best for your company!

For your website to get noticed over millions of other sites, it is important to employ Internet marketing services. Internet marketing services allow for your site to be promoted aggressively by employing different advertising tools and site improvements.

It is a known fact that number one thing to build internet presence is to build a website that represents you or your company. Internet marketing services turn web site into something more useful, internet marketing services put your website onto the crossroads of website traffic and conversion. Without internet marketing services , web site could rest in piece for the rest of its life. Like any other business operation, your website must be built with some question in mind. If it is build without such questions, even internet marketing services wouldn't help it to become a significant part of your business.

Internet marketing services require connection with some part of your business, only then they become more real and working Internet marketing services. Number two question is whether your clients will get adequate and precise information from your website about your products and services. After all, Internet marketing services will market your website, your products and it's natural for you to be sure that Internet marketing services market something that you want to market. Internet has turned into a public market and no surprise that this public market uses Internet marketing services.

There are SEO companies that offer a wide range of internet marketing services range from website design , web development, search engine optimization, pay per click, content writing, press release, affiliate marketing and a lot more.

Here at our professional seo and internet marketing services company, we pride ourselves on being a pay per click company that you assured that we will give you the best value for money campaign and performing pay per click campaign.

Go Ahead Sign Up Today and Select The SEO Value Plan that is best for your company!

"Professional SEO” is dedicated to delivering quality SEO results for your website. It uses only Google approved methods of search engine optimization and never tries to cheat the search engines like those using the black hat technique. You can put your trust in "Professional SEO” for your search engine optimization services and internet marketing needs.

The professional SEO (search engine optimization) knows that if you want to be found in the top of the search results for a competitive keyword term, you have to cover all your basics and more. That means both, exceptional on-page and off-page SEO, as well as a fully comprehensive link strategy. Professional SEO company worth hiring understands that effective SEO (search engine optimization) constant continuing education because the search engine algorithms and the rules search engines use to position a web page within the search engine results page (SERP) are always changing. The search engine most challenging to the SEO professional is Google and the other search engines Yahoo, MSN and other search engines.

They knows that if you want to be found in the top of the search results for a competitive keyword term, you have to cover all your search engine optimization basics and more. That means both, exceptional website on-page and external off-page SEO, as well as a fully comprehensive link strategy.

Professional SEO services are always available if you focus on only the most significant optimization needs. The benefits of professional optimization performed on a continuous basis, however, may prove to be profitable enough to pay for itself in a short time.

Here at our professional seo and internet marketing services company, we pride ourselves on being a pay per click company that you assured that we will give you the best value for money campaign and performing pay per click campaign.

Go Ahead Sign Up Today and Select The SEO Value Plan that is best for your company!

Pay per click campaigns can be categorized into two major categories: sponsored match (or keyword) and content match. Sponsored match campaigns involve the display of ads on search engine results pages, whereas content match campaigns involve the display of ads on publisher websites, newsletters, and e-mails.

Keyword pay per click advertisers bid on search terms — keywords consisting of words or phrases, and possibly product model numbers

the following are notable PPC keyword search engines: Product engines (a.k.a. product comparison engines or price comparison engines) are search engines for products, and let advertisers provide "feeds" of their product databases.

The following are notable PPC product engines:

Service engines let advertisers provide feeds of their service databases. When a user searches for a service, links to advertisers are displayed for that particular service

The following are notable PPC service engines:

Pay per call is a business model for ad listings in search engines and directories that allows publishers to charge local advertisers on a per-call basis for each sales lead (i.e., call) the publishers generate.

Pay per delivery (PPD)

Pay per delivery is a variation on pay per click used in e-mail marketing. Email marketing campaigns are charged only on the basis of e-mails that are delivered successfully.

Pay per action (PPA)

Pay per action is a variation on pay per click adopted by many search engines. An advertiser pays a specified amount upon successful completion of some action

[via wikipedia]

So, what is Pay Per Click? To start with me must understand the needs of our client especially the market and user requirement. Pay Per Click (PPC) is a form of advertising featured on all major search engines. It delivers highly targeted advertisements chosen to match the specific interests of search engine users, connecting buyers and sellers in the marketplace. A properly managed PPC program is an excellent way of enhancing your organic search engine marketing efforts by running specific advertising campaigns or promotions. PPC advertising brings traffic to your website with a specificity and immediacy that cannot be paralleled by any other form of advertising, at a cost that can be keyed to the value of a lead

PPC advertisements are generally ranked based on a combination of popularity and how much organizations are willing to pay to advertise using each search phrase. Advertisements are bought through Pay Per Click advertising suppliers, primarily Google and Yahoo who also display advertisements on affiliate, smaller search engines

As noted on the Google Adwords site, your company is listed as a "partner site"(s) Through partnering with a search engine like Google they provide you the exposure that can only be gained by working with a search engine that feeds into several other search engines thereby expanding the overall potential effectiveness of your Pay Per Click Campaign

Finally, pay-per-click advertising does not scale. If you get more traffic, you pay more money in direct proportion to that traffic - your cost per click stays constant, and your overall cost increases. Compare that to natural search engine optimization, where you invest a fixed amount of time and/or money to achieve a better rank, and your cost per click goes down as you draw more traffic

Here at our professional seo and internet marketing services company, we pride ourselves on being a pay per click company that you assured that we will give you the best value for money campaign and performing pay per click campaign.

Go Ahead Sign Up Today and Select The SEO Value Plan that is best for your company!

Future of SEO

On 9:53 PM 0 comments
Internet Marketing is what makes a good business online into a successful one. If your website is not on the search engines, you are leaving good money on the table. Whether you are looking to improve a web presence online, or you need help building a first website, Future Of SEO will create a successful online image for you and believed to be the future of the Seo industry.

That’s why, modern SEO companies are starting to offer a full range of services that will not only do on-page optimization of a site but also make it a more a user friendly. But how can it be a user friendly website, it is through the help of professionals that with knowledge and skills in the industry

It is the highly skilled web designers and SEO Specialists that will create a product you are proud of. Your website will be build with the necessary components to please the search engines, as well as your visitors. The SEO Specialist and programmers will help built a website using cool software like Perl, PHP, Ruby, XSL, LAMP.Future of SEO is bridging the gap between user friendly and search engine friendly web design

We must also aware that emerging technologies like Mobile Web help deliver information faster and the opporturnities as the skills to exploit new markerts are learned and adopted.

Pagerank has not been an accurate indicator to show webmasters how a particular site should be ranked comparing to other sites. Rather, many experienced webmasters and SEO experts have spotted Google, in combating search engine spams, is in favor of using trustrank and domain age to rank websites in the SERP Site It is ranked high in Google results for hundreds of relevant and important keywords in industries where it is especially hard to be placed on the first page (design, marketing, SEO). Site is still not finished but SEO is done perfectly.

The fact is that whatever component you focus on (Google Local, Google Maps etc) if the site is relevant to the user's query and is optimized for the user, the site will naturally "rank" well within the engines. Optimization should be done naturally; building your link exchange should be done naturally and not just for ranking in the engines. The user should always come first

Website must also be search engine friendly allowing spiders to enter the site efficiently and report back to their search engine resulting in higher rankings. Bearing this in mind at all stages of website development is a necessity to online business.
